The 45th meeting of the National Task Force (NTF) on Forcefully Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN) was held at the RRRC office in Cox’s Bazar.

Foreign Secretary (Senior Secretary) Masud Bin Momen chaired the 45th meeting of the National Task Force…

Indian authorities takes back 31 Rohingyas from Bangladesh Border

Indian authorities today took back 31 Rohingyas, who were stranded on the eastern borders with Bangladesh…

The US House of Representatives says Myanmar crimes against Rohingya are genocide

The US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a resolution Thursday declaring that the crimes committed by…

Bangladesh is taking all the preparations in coordination with Myanmar to begin the first batch of Rohingya repatriation since Thursday.

Bangladesh is taking all the preparations in coordination with Myanmar to begin the first batch of…

ASEAN MPs urge UN to act on a devastating report on atrocities against Rohingya in Myanmar.

Lawmakers from South East Asia today urged the UN to act on a devastating report on…

Rohingya repatriation will begin soon with sending the first batch of over 3,000 Rohingyas , said Bangladesh Foreign Minister.

Bangladesh has expressed the hope that Rohingya repatriation will begin soon with sending the first batch…

Armed Rohingya group massacred Hindus in Myanmar : Amnesty International report .

An armed Rohingya group carried out at least one massacre of Hindu villagers in Myanmar’s conflict-wracked…

There is no resistance from China and Russia in terms of finding a solution to Rohingya crisis, Rohingya repatriation agreement signed by the two countries has to be implemented, said the UN Security Council.

The UN Security Council delegation here on Monday assured all concerned of helping Bangladesh and Myanmar…

Early rains expose risks for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, but worst ‘yet to come,’ warns UN agency

Early rains expose risks for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, but worst ‘yet to come,’ warns UN…

Myanmar Armed Forces Blacklisted By UN For Committing Sexual Violence Against Rohingya

Myanmar Armed Forces Blacklisted By UN For Committing Sexual Violence Against Rohingya Share this… Facebook Pinterest…