Almost 90 migrants including women and children are rescued off the Libyan coast

The Italian humanitarian group ‘Emergency’ said on Saturday it rescued 87 people, including women and children,…

Suicide attackers hit the headquarters of Liby’s foreign ministry in Tripoli, 2 death and 9 wounded

Suicide attackers hit the headquarters of Libya‘s foreign ministry in Tripoli, opening fire before blowing themselves…

Libya , Tripoli : Inside Libyan detention ‘hell’ where refugee burned himself alive.

It’s been nearly three weeks since Abdulaziz, a 28-year-old Somali, doused himself in petrol before burning…

Deadly terrorist attack in Libya’s National Oil Company at Tripoli, at least four killed.

Armed men stormed the headquarters of Libya’s National Oil Company in Tripoli, engaging guards in a…

The death toll from ongoing fighting in Libya’s capital, Tripoli, rise to at least 50

The death toll from ongoing fighting in Libya‘s capital, Tripoli, has risen to at least 50,…

Fighters loyal to renegade general Khalifa Haftar claims they recapture several important oil installations in eastern Libya.

Fighters loyal to renegade general Khalifa Haftar claim they have recaptured several important oil installations in…