An enchanting view of a magical evening at the Hollywood Beach Boardwalk in Florida, USA.

Report by Fardoush Parvez Parosh  From the USA . An enchanting view of a magical evening…

US would not engage in offensive operations against Iran.

According to a senior White House official , US President Joe Biden reportedly told Israeli Prime…

Trump-Kim summit in Vietnam

Vietnam‘s Hanoi is hosting the second summit between North Korea and the United States on February 27-28. The denuclearisation of…

The second summit between Trump and Kim Jong-un will be held from February 27 in Vietnam.

U.S. President Donald Trump said he will hold a second summit with North Korean leader Kim…

US warms up to flood threat after polar vortex invasion

The United States has started to thaw out after a week of extreme cold weather. The…

The relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia cannot move forward until Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is “dealt with”,

Senator Lindsey Graham has said the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia cannot move…

US President Donald Trump has threatened to “devastate” Turkey’s economy if it carries out a military offensive against Kurdish fighters in Syria .

US President Donald Trump has threatened to “devastate” Turkey’s economy if it carries out a military…

The partial government shutdown becomes the longest closure in the history of the United States.

The partial government shutdown became the longest closure in the history of the United States when…

U.S President Donald Trump insisted on funding for his long-promised US-Mexico border wall.

Mr Trump insisted on funding for his long-promised US-Mexico border wall.However, he did not declare an…

Las Vegas to welcome 2019 with superstars, fireworks show, more than 300,000 people are expected to gather on the world-famous corridor.

Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars and Gwen Stefani are among the superstars who will be ushering in…

The federal workers idled by shutdown want Mexico border wall, says the U.S President Donald Trump

The U.S President Donald Trump said that federal workers furloughed in a partial government shutdown support…

The US envoy Brett McGurk resigns this week over his disagreement with President Donald Trump’s surprise decision to pull US troops out of Syria .

Brett McGurk, the US envoy to the global coalition fighting ISIL, resigned this week over his…

The US House of Representatives says Myanmar crimes against Rohingya are genocide

The US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a resolution Thursday declaring that the crimes committed by…

US Senate votes to end US support for Yemen war

The US Senate voted on Thursday to approve a resolution calling for an end to US…

US President Donald Trump bickers with top Democrats over border wall funding

During a heated exchange with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Mr Trump said he would be…

US President Donald Trump stands by Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman

US President Donald Trump has reiterated his support for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, known…

Former US President George HW Bush has died at the age of 94

Former US President George HW Bush has died at the age of 94, his son has…

NASA’s InSight successfully lands on Mars after ‘seven minutes of terror’

NASA’s latest Mars lander, InSight, successfully touched down on the surface of the Red Planet this…

U.S.President Donald Trump signals US won’t punish Saudi crown prince over Khashoggi killing

President Donald Trump signaled Tuesday that he will not take strong action against Saudi Arabia or…

Trump says he’s taking no new punitive measures against Saudi Arabia over the killing of Jamal Khashoggi.

President Donald Trump faces increasing pressure to take tougher measures against Saudi Arabia over the killing…