Al-Othaimeen: We Pin Hopes on the Resumption of a Real Indo-Pakistani Dialogue to Address the Issue of Jammu and Kashmir

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir convened in Jeddah on 29 May 2019, on the margin of the OIC Foreign Ministers Conference, preparatory to the Islamic Summit’s fourteenth ordinary session being held in Makkah Al Mukarramah.

In his statement to the meeting, the OIC Secretary General, Dr. Yousef Bin Ahmed Al Othaimeen, expressed his hope for a real dialogue to be resumed between Pakistan and India such as to constitute a significant instrument towards a result-driven management of all the outstanding issues, foremost of which the Jammu and Kashmir dispute.

The Secretary General reaffirmed the OIC’s principled stand fully in support of the people of Jammu and Kashmir’s achievement of their legitimate rights. He also expressed the hope that the OIC Member States’ support in this regard would be concretized through practical and effective measures in favor of the Kashmiri people.

The meeting called on India to honor the resolutions issued by the UN on the Kashmiri issue, to the effect that the final administration of Jammu and Kashmir shall be defined in accordance with the will of the Kashmiri people to be expressed through a democratic process in the form of a free and integral referendum under the UN patronage.

The Contact Group’s meeting welcomed the recommendations listed in the UN report on Kashmir which was issued in June 2018, and which called for the prompt establishment of a fact-finding committee on Kashmir. It also called on India to allow the UN fact-finding mission and other international human rights and humanitarian bodies to visit Kashmir.

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