Al Othaimeen: World Community Must Ensure Voluntary and Safe Return of Rohingyas to their Homeland

On the margin of the UN General Assembly proceedings, the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has intensified its efforts to find solutions for the crisis endured by the Rohingya Muslims. In this connection, the OIC held a ministerial level meeting on 25th September 2019 for the OIC Contact Group on the Rohingyas as well as another meeting for the OIC commission in charge of the follow-up of human rights and the acts of violence perpetrated against the Rohingya Muslims.

In his statement before the Contact Group, the OIC Secretary General, Dr. Yousef A. Al Othaimeen cast light on the issue of the humanitarian needs and paid tribute to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for its efforts and generosity in hosting over one million refugees on its soil and extending humanitarian assistance to them. The Secretary General expressed appreciation, as well, to the Member States that had contributed financial and humanitarian aid to the Rohingya refugees, including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, the Kingdom of Morocco, Pakistan, Turkey, The United Arab Emirates and others.

Al Othaimeen laid stress on the need to intensify efforts according to priorities to ensure a voluntary and safe return in dignity for the refugees to their homeland. He called on the world community to abide by its commitment and support contacts with Myanmar towards preparing a proper environment that would include safety guarantees, freedom of movement and basic services.

The OIC renewed its invitation to the Myanmar Government to honour its commitments as to cooperating with Bangladesh for the safe return of the refugees to their homeland.

Regarding the human rights violations against the Rohingya Muslim minority, the OIC called for those responsible for atrocities, ethnic cleansing or crimes against humanity in Myanmar to be brought to justice.

The Secretary General urged that every support be extended to the OIC special ministerial committee incharge of the issue of the human rights violations against the Rohingya and entrusted with exploring all international legal instruments to pursue the call for accountability as to the crimes meted upon the Rohingyas.

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