Coordination meeting for the preparation of an OIC draft strategy to empower the Marriage and Family Institution

As part of the follow-up to the implementation of the resolution on the preparation of an OIC strategy for the Empowerment of the Marriage and Family Institution and its Values in the Islamic World, adopted by the Ministerial Conference on the Marriage and Family Institution, hosted by Saudi Arabia in  2017, the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) will host a coordination meeting at the level of experts, on 12-13 July 2019, in Kuala Lumpur, to discuss the first draft of the strategy prepared by the IIUM in coordination with the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) and the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) in preparation for submission to the meeting of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Group of Experts to be held  in October 2019, at the headquarters of  General Secretariat in Jeddah.

In addition to the General Secretariat, represented by the Department of Social and Family Affairs, the meeting will be attended by Saudi Arabia, the Chair of the Ministerial Conference on the Marriage and Family Institution, experts from the IIUM, ISESCO, SESRIC and the International Islamic Fiqh Academy.

The above-mentioned Ministerial Conference Resolution was adopted on the basis of the objectives of OIC Charter, which, interalia, required the OIC to “ emphasize, protect and promote the role of the family as the natural and fundamental unit of society”, and the importance accorded  by OIC Member States to empower and preserve the institution of marriage and the family, particularly in the light of the moral, cultural and intellectual challenges which  threaten the security and cohesion of the institution of marriage and the family in the Islamic world.

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