OIC Awards its Special Prize to the Film “The Land of My Birth” at the 26th Edition of FESPACO

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) awarded its prize for the best documentary film that spreads the value of tolerance and promotes the culture of people on February 26, 2019, on the sidelines of the Pan African Festival of Cinema and Television (FESPACO), hosted by Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso, from 23 February to 2 March 2019. The theme of the festival is “Memory and future of the African Cinemas” which was opened last Saturday by Burkina Faso’s President, Mark Christian Kabore.

The First Lady of Burkina Faso, Sika Kabore, hosted the prize ceremony of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which was attended by the foreign and culture ministers, the Director-General of the FESPACO Festival and the Mayor of the capital, as well as a large number of academics and intellectuals.

Filmmaker BasiéSibriBarthélemy, from Burkina Faso, won the award for his documentary, “The Land of My Birth”after the jury have scrutinized about nine competing films.The film is about immigration, belonging, justice and peace.

The filmmaker thanked the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for awarding him the prize, stressing that it is the first time he is winning an award after nearly 10 years of participation in the festival.

For his part, OIC Secretary-General Dr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Othaimeen said in his speech at the award ceremony, which was delivered by Mrs. Mehla Ahmed Talebna, Director General of Cultural, Social and Family Affairs, that it is important to “promote pluralism and cultural diversity that contributes to the achievement of our goals of peace and coexistence.Therefore, we are committed to active cooperation among Member States, particularly in the areas of culture, arts, literature, music, film and audiovisuals. ”

Al-Othaimeen added that: “this festival is one of the best platforms for harmony between political, social and cultural work. Therefore, we are pleased to award the first special award of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to the film, which met the special criteria of encouraging tolerance, promoting sustainable development and living together among the peoples of member states, irrespective of their social and religious backgrounds.”

The OIC participates in the festival for the first time, by launching a special award for the best documentary film that supports dialogue, coexistence and peace, promotes intercultural exchanges and rejects racism and discrimination.

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