OIC Secretary General Expresses Concern over Recent Surge in Violence in Afghanistan

The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC),Dr. Yousef  Al-Othaimeen expressed deep concern following the recent surge in violence and indiscriminate suicide attacks in Afghanistan causing a number of casualties including women and children. He considersany act of violence as deplorable and urged to bring an end tothis senseless cycle of violence.

The Secretary General urged all Afghans to exercise maximum restraint and redouble their efforts to achieve peace and reconciliation through an Afghan-owned, Afghan-led process in line with the resolutions and declarations adopted at the 14thOIC Summit held in Makkah on 31 May 2019 and the International Ulema Conference on Peace and Security in Afghanistan held earlier in Makkah on 11 July 2018.

Al-Othaimeen expressed his deep sympathy and condolences to the government and people of Afghanistan. He prayedto Allah the Almighty to bless the innocent souls of all victims and wishedspeedy recovery to the injured.



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