OIC Welcomes UN Fourth Committee’s Consensus and Positive Vote on Renewal of UNRWA’S Mandate

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) welcomed the consensual UN vote in favor of a set of draft resolutions regarding Palestine at the General Assembly’s Fourth Committee, particularly the resolution concerning the renewal of United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East UNRWA’s mandate for another three years by a majority of 170, with only two states voting against it.

The OIC considered this stand as an international commitment and consensus in favor of supporting the Palestinian people’s rights including the refugees’ right to return to their homestead in accordance with UN resolution No.194.

OIC Secretary General, Dr. Yousef A. Al-Othaimeen, applauded the stand of those states that voted, in their overwhelming majority, in favor of the resolution and called on all of them to further concretize this political support through financial contributions to enable UNRWA to continue benefiting the Palestinian refugees of its much needed services until the final settlement of their national cause in line with adopted UN resolutions.

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