OIC Women Consultative Council holds its fourth meeting at the General Secretariat in Jeddah

At the invitation of the Ministry of Women, National Solidarity, Family and Humanitarian Action of Burkina Faso, and in coordination with the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Women Consultative Council (WCC) established by the Ministerial Conference on the Role of Women in Development in Member States, will hold its fourth meeting at the OIC General Secretariat in Jeddah, on 12 May 2019.

The meeting, to be attended by Her Excellency Helen Marie Lawrence Elbodo Marshall, Minister of Women Affairs, National Solidarity, Family and Humanitarian Action in Burkina Faso, will follow up on the implementation of the results of the previous WCC meetings, and the election of the WCC Vice-Chairpersons. Additionally, it will consider the concept paper on OIC gender policy, the establishment of two working groups, one on enriching the draft concept paper and the other on drafting a strategy for promoting the OIC Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women at the national and international level.

On the other hand, the meeting will discuss ways to implement the resolutions adopted by the Seventh Ministerial Conference on Women held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and means to support Palestinian women. It will also evaluate the results of the high-level meeting held by Burkina Faso in coordination with the OIC General Secretariat during the sixty-third session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York on access by women and girls to social protection services in OIC Member States.

It is to be noted that the WCC consists of nine members representing the three OIC regional groups (Arab, African and Asian).

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