Five Summits UN General Assembly High-Level Week 23-27 September 2019.

Every September, the Member States of the United Nations meet at the General Assembly in New York to discuss the critical issues of global concern. This year, during 23-27 September 2019, in addition to the general debate, world leaders will participate in a series of summits during and high-level meetings to boost action on climate change and accelerate progress on sustainable development, aimed at securing healthy, peaceful and prosperous lives for all. The highlights of the summits are:

i) High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (23 September 2019). This is the first-ever High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage will launch new efforts to provide access for all to affordable, inclusive and resilient health systems.  The meeting will galvanize global commitments to ensure health for all, recognizing the strong links to climate action and the fact that health is a human right and a precondition, outcome and driver of sustainable development.

ii) Climate Action Summit (23 September 2019). The impacts of climate change are accelerating, but with the urgent and transformative action, it is still possible to limit the global average temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, averting the most disastrous consequences, according to scientists.  This Summit presents leaders from governments, the private sector and civil society with the opportunity to demonstrate the solutions they are pursuing to reduce emissions and build climate resilience and adaptation.

iii) SDG Summit (24-25 September 2019). Countries in 2015 unanimously adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – the most ambitious undertaking over to transform our world to boost prosperity and ensure well-being for all while protecting the environment.  The SDG Summit will allow world leaders and other stakeholders to demonstrate how they intend to accelerate action to transform our societies and economies, as we move towards the five-year anniversary of the Goals, with just over a decade left to the target date of 2030.

iv) High Level Dialogue on Financing for Development (26 September 2019). Mobilizing sufficient financing remains a major challenge in realizing the 2030 Agenda, and investments that are critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals remain underfunded.  Trade-restrictive measures have also accelerated, and debt risks are rising, hampering the ability of many countries to invest in Sustainable Development Goals.  The High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development will bring together leaders from Government, business and the financial sector to help unlock the resources and partnerships needed and accelerate progress.

v) Small Island Developing States -High-Level Midterm review of the Samoa Pathway (27 Sep 2019).

Small island developing states are among the most vulnerable countries in the world.  Five years after an ambitious agreement – the SAMOA Pathway – to support sustainable development in small island developing states, the High-Level Review will discuss progress on combating the devastating impact of climate change, building economic and environmental resilience, and other challenges.

Summit links:

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