WFP signed two MOUs to enhance humanitarian operations for Rohingya refugees on Bhasanchar Island.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has signed two Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR) of Bangladeshaimed at enhancing the humanitarian operations for the Rohingya refugees onBhasan Char Island.

The MoUs were signed by Md. Kamrul Hasan, ndc, Secretary, MoDMRand Dom Scalpelli, WFP Country Director, in the presence of the new State Minister, Md, Mohibbur Rahman, MP, on 4th March in Dhaka. With the signing, MoDMR officially handed over the management of the United Nations common accommodation and office space,and the warehouse facilities to WFP, co-lead of the Food Security Sector and lead of the Common Services Sector of the Rohingya refugee response.

“ThisMoU signifies a pivotal step in enhancing our logistical support to the humanitarian community and the Rohingya refugees currently residing on the island. It will also boost WFP’s operational capacityby directly managing and maintaining the warehouses, contributingsignificantly to the effectiveness and efficiency of our assistance to the Rohingya refugees. We thank MoDMR for their longstanding support and collaboration, and we look forward to continuingworking together to serve this vulnerable group,” said Dom Scalpelli, WFP Country Director.

As the Common Services Sector lead, WFP coordinates with the government on behalf of the UN and other humanitarian partners. Following the signing, WFP is committed to raising the resources needed to improve and upkeep the conditions of the accommodation, office and warehouse facilities to ensure quality service is provided to both humanitarians and the Rohingya refugees.


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