Bangladesh to join the global initiative-P4G (Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030)

The Government of Bangladesh has decided to join the ground-breaking global initiative-P4G, as one of the few pioneering countries that will boost Bangladesh’s efforts to combat climate change as well as to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS). This has been conveyed by the Bangladesh Ambassador to Denmark Muhamamd A.Muhith during the P4G Ambassadors’ meeting hosted at the Chancery on 11 October 2018 evening.Ambassadors from P4G member countries, senior officials from the Danish Foreign Ministry, Senior Advisor from Danish Prime Minister’s Office and CEO of the State of Green, the pioneer organization in Denmark dealing the green economy, among others, attended the meeting.

P4G is a new Danish-led international green initiative, formally launched in New York in September 2017 during the 72nd UNGA, with the ambition of becoming the world’s leading forum for developing concrete public-private partnerships to deliver on, inter alia, SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement. It aims to bring together businesses, governments, and civil society organizations in innovative public-private partnerships to advance solutions that help meet humanity’s greatest needs in five key areas: food and agriculture, water, energy, cities and circular economy, aligning with SDGs with special emphasis on Goals 2, 6, 11, 12, 13, 15 & 17, among others.

During launching, six countries – Chile, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Korea, Mexico and Vietnam along with the leaders from businesses and international organizations including C40, Global Growth Institute, World Economic Forum, and Denmark’s State of Green formally partnered with the initiative. The new initiative has formally started its operation from 01 January 2018. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina meanwhile approved Bangladesh’s position to become a formal partner of the P4G initiative.

The first P4G Summit is going to the held in Copenhagen on 19-20 October 2018. Foreign Minister of Bangladesh Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, M.P will lead the Bangladesh delegation to Summit. The summit is expected to be participated by a good number of Heads of State and Government, foreign ministers, leaders of international organizations, businesses, academia, and the civil society from around the world to form a powerful coalition on the sustainable development goals through innovative partnerships.

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