50 Years of Bangladesh-Thailand Friendship

On the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Bangladesh and Thailand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized a seminar titled “50 Years of Bangladesh-Thailand Friendship: Prospects and Way Forward”. Foreign Secretary (Senior Secretary) Ambassador Masud Bin Momen graced the seminar as Chief Guest. Ambassador of Thailand to Bangladesh, Ms. Makawadee Sumitmor graced the occasion as Guest of Honour, while Secretary (East) Ms. Mashfee Binte Shams chaired the session.

The speakers of the seminar were Ambassador Kazi Imtiaz Hossain, Chairman, BIISS, Prof. Dr. Delwar Hossain, Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka, and Mr. Jibon Krishna Saha Roy, Director, BIDA.

The Foreign Secretary recalled with gratitude the early recognition by Thailand to Bangladesh in 1972, immediately following the independence of Bangladesh. While appreciating the existing excellent bilateral relations between the two friendly countries, he lauded the shared commitment and cooperation of both countries for development and prosperity, as well as for peace and stability in the region and beyond. He appreciated Thailand’s continuous support to the development journey of Bangladesh in the last fifty years and hoped for the continuation of the same for transforming Bangladesh into a knowledge-based developed country by 2041 under the visionary and able leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. He also stressed greater regional cohesion for reaping the benefits of the Asian momentum.

In her remarks, the Ambassador of Thailand observed that Bangladesh achieved phenomenal progress since her independence, and the robust economy of Bangladesh offered new opportunities for greater cooperation and collaboration for the mutual benefit of the two countries. Highlighting the cultural, civilizational, and geographical closeness between the two countries, she expressed optimism that the bilateral relations between the two countries would be further strengthened in the days ahead. She also emphasized concluding an FTA for accelerating the bilateral trade between the two friendly countries.

In the Seminar, the speakers highlighted vibrant diplomatic relations, scenarios of Trade and Connectivity, and existing Thai investments in Bangladesh, alongside opportunities in Bangladesh. They also pointed out the potential areas for greater bilateral cooperation and shed light on the challenges in translating those potentials into reality.

The seminar was attended by the Heads of Missions and diplomats of ASEAN countries in Dhaka, former Ambassadors of Bangladesh, senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, officials of BIISS, and students, among others.


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