Canada-Bangladesh expressed interest in exploring cooperation under the respective Indo-Pacific Outlook Strategy.

Foreign Secretary Ambassador Masud Bin Momen held a meeting with the visiting Canadian Deputy Minister of International Development Mr. Christopher MacLennan this afternoon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the meeting, they expressed mutual commitment to transforming the existing excellent Bangladesh-Canada bilateral relations into comprehensive partnership by further advancing bilateral trade, investment, educational cooperation, technological innovation, migration and mobility, climate change, cybersecurity, maritime security, and cooperation on regional and international issues of mutual interest and concerns. They also expressed eagerness to explore cooperation under the respective Indo-Pacific Outlook/Strategy.

The Foreign Secretary highly appreciated Canada’s development cooperation with Bangladesh over the years since 1971 and highlighted the progression of Bangladesh-Canada relations beyond the traditional development cooperation-driven relationship to a robust trade partnership over the last decades. As Bangladesh graduates from the LDC status by 2026, the Foreign Secretary suggested that Canada may take advantage of Bangladesh’s strategic location and economic infrastructure coupled with enabling policies to boost trade and investment between the two countries.

Canadian Deputy Minister highly appreciated Bangladesh’s economic progress over the last one and a half decades and expressed Canada’s eagerness to adopt a more mature approach in leveraging development assistance to Bangladesh. He indicated that Bangladesh’s graduation from the LDC status will facilitate a robust economic partnership between the two friendly countries.

The Canadian Deputy Minister appreciated Bangladesh for hosting the forcibly displaced Rohingyas. The Foreign Secretary expressed concern over the ongoing situation in Myanmar, which has hindered the Rohingya repatriation. He thanked the Canadian government for its humanitarian support to the Rohingyas, temporarily sheltered in Bangladesh, and its political support towards resolving the Rohingya crisis.

High Commissioner for Canada in Bangladesh Her Excellency Lilly Nicholls and Acting Director General (Americas) of MOFA Kazi Russel Pervez, among others, were also present at the meeting.

Mr. Christopher MacLennan, Deputy Minister of International Development of Canada is on a 3-day maiden official visit to Bangladesh.

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