Japanese Grant Aid” and “Loan Agreement for the 40th Japanese Yen Loan Package” Signed

On June 30, 2019, the three signing ceremonies for (1) “the Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS)”, (2) “the Densification of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Continuously Operating Reference Station Network and the Modernization of Tidal station in Bangladesh” as well as (3) “the Matarbari Ultra Super Critical Coal-Fired Power Project (Ⅴ) on the Government of Japan’s 40th Japanese Yen Loan Package” were held at Economic Relations Division (ERD) of Ministry of Finance. H.E. Mr. Hiroyasu Izumi, Ambassador of Japan to Bangladesh, and Mr. Mr. Monowar Ahmed, Secretary of ERD signed the Exchange of Notes representing respective governments. Mr. Hitoshi Hirata, Chief Representative of JICA Bangladesh Office, also attended the ceremony and signed the Grant and Loan Agreements.

Since 2002 to date, 358 Bangladeshi officials have studied in master courses in Japanese universities under the JDS scheme. In light of the strong expectation of the Government of Bangladesh to enlarge the scheme, the Government of Japan has increased the annual number of Bangladesh JDS awardees significantly during the past few years: the yearly intake of 15 which stayed constant between 2010 and 2014 has doubled to 30 in 2016. In addition, three Ph. D fellows have studied for the first time since the spring of 2018. It is expected that JDS fellows would play an active roles after the completion of the program in drawing up and implementing social and economic development policies in Bangladesh. It is also expected that JDS fellows would make valuable contribution to furthering mutual understanding, and deepen and broaden friendship between Japan and Bangladesh.

Due to the rapid economic development of Bangladesh, infrastructure development in a wide area of the country is indispensable, and a huge demand is expected in the future. In the development of infrastructure, a map with high accuracy is required to confirm the topography of the target area. Under these circumstances, this project is to provide the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) continuously operating reference station and the equipment at the tide station to enhance and streamline surveying and mapping. The use of digital maps and geospatial information is also advocated within the “Digital Bangladesh” concept to promote the strengthening of ICT infrastructure in Bangladesh. The project is expected to enhance and streamline surveying and mapping, develop foundation to meet the demand for infrastructure, and contribute to the “Digital Bangladesh” concept.

The Matarbari Ultra Super Critical Coal-Fired Power Project on the Government of Japan’s 40th Japanese Yen Loan Package, this package including the 4 projects signed in Tokyo, which amounts to around two hundred seventy-five billion seven hundred eighty-six million Yen (2.5 billion US dollar), is the largest ever Yen Loan support to Bangladesh for one year. Matarbari Ultra Super Critical Coal-Fired Power Project contributes to implement the fast track that the Government refers to the priority and an engine to promote the Big-B initiative.



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