Australian High Commissioner to Bangladesh, HE Ms Julia Niblett, and New Zealand high commissioner to India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Ambassador to Nepal, HE Ms JoannaKempkers, paid a joint visit to Gulshan Society Jame Mosque in Gulshan, Dhaka, on 15 September 2019. Founding Secretary-General of the Mosque Committee, Mr Jaharul Islam Chowdhury, welcomed the High Commissioners and provided

“It was a privilege to have been able to visit this beautiful mosque and we are overwhelmed bythe warm welcome extended to us”, said Australian High Commissioner Julia Niblett. “As amulti-cultural country, Australia has benefited from its principles of diversity, inclusion andtolerance – these are values that we hold dear,” she said.
As a country committed to tolerance and diversity, New Zealand shares the same values. “NewZealand is a nation of more than 200 ethnicities and 160 languages. Diversity and inclusionlie at the core of our values as a country,” High Commissioner Joanna Kempkers added.
Mr Jahurul Islam Chowdhury, who has been associated with the Gulshan Society Jame Mosquesince its inception, said: “It was a pleasure to receive HE Niblett and HE Kempkers at
Both High Commissioners were impressed with the unique architecture of the mosque,particularly for its maximisation of space in an inner-city location and the inspirational feelingthe building evokes.