Japan supports Bangladesh Red Crescent Society to construct the new Primary Health Care Centre at the refugee camp.

On 23rd September, Mr. Hiroyuki Yamaya, Charge d’Affaires ad interim of Japan to Bangladesh, attended the opening ceremony of “The Project for Construction of the Primary Health Care Clinic in the Camp of Displaced People from Myanmar in Cox’s Bazar”at a camp for displaced people from Myanmar in Bangladesh (Kutupalong Camp), which was implemented by Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS)with support of the Government of Japan through Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects (GGHSP). Mr. Syed Ali Nasim Khaliluzzaman, Head of Operation, PMO (Retired Additional Secretary) from BDRCS and Mr. Mohammad Mizanur Rahman, Deputy Secretary, Md. MahbubAlamTalukder, Director (Joint Secretary)from RRRC also attended the ceremony.

BDRCSwas awarded the grant of$73,694, which is approximately BDT 5.8 million for the project to construct one healthcare center in Camp 12 at Ukhiya. BDRCS, in association with Japanese Red Cross Society (JRCS), has been providing medical services to the people from Camp 12 since October 2017, but due to infrastructure and hill slope weakness, the center is reconstructed with GGHSP grant while hill slopereinforcement has been supported by JRCS. After completion of the construction, BDRCS nowwill be able to serve at least 32,200 patients annually.

Japan has supported193 NGOprojects through its Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects (GGHSP) since 1989 with the view to enhanceeconomic and social human security in the grass-roots levels.The total sum of these GGHSP grants extended to NGOs in Bangladesh to date amountsapproximately to$ 14.95million.

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