Our Muslim community is an integral part of the rich tapestry that is multicultural Australia says Australian Prime Minister.

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims across Australia and the world observe sacred traditions commemorating the miraculous revelation of the Qur’an. For the Muslim community, it is a time for prayer and fasting, and for reflection and intense devotion.

Our Muslim community is an integral part of the rich tapestry that is multicultural Australia. Our shared commitment to tolerance, respect and inclusion binds us to one another, and makes our multicultural, multi-faith society one of the most harmonious in the world.

The recent terrible events in Christchurch are a reminder of why we must strive to continually strengthen these ideals. In the days that followed the terrorist atrocity, we saw Australians from all walks of life reach out to our New Zealand family. Our Muslim community led the way extending a hand to their brethren in New Zealand.

Across our country, there were prayers as well. Not just in mosques but in churches, synagogues and temples as well. This is what conquers evil. This is what conquers hate. Understanding will conquer division, tolerance will conquer fear, and love will always triumph over all.

With its focus on compassion, restraint and charity, Ramadan is a fitting moment to affirm these eternal values.

I join with Australia’s Muslim community in welcoming the beginning of this holy month and all the peace and fulfilment it may bring. Ramadan Mubarak.

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