An Egyptian archaeological mission discovers the new Archaeological Tomb in Egypt

Report  by UH Khan,  Bureau Chief ( Middle East)

An Egyptian  archaeological mission from the Supreme Council of Antiquities uncovered an ancient tomb dating back to the Ptolemaic period, during the excavation work carried out to inspect the land of a. alexandrian inhabitant before digging the foundations of his building at Al-Karmili Street in Sidi Gaber district, Alexandria.

Dr. Mostafa Waziri, General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities announced.
He explains that  the tomb contains a black granite sarcophagus considered to be the largest to be discovered in Alexandria. It has a height of 185 cm, length 265 cm and width of 165 cm.

Dr. Ayman Ashmawy Head of the Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Sector said that the tomb was found at a depth of 5 m beneath the surface of the land. It is noted that there is a layer of mortar between the lid and the body of the sarcophagus indicating that it had not been opened since it was closed in antiquity.An alabaster head of a man was also found and most probably  belongs to the owner of the tomb.

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