The meeting between Russia and US can pave the way for a new stage in relations which will benefit the entire world, says US Senator Richard Shelby.

The meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump scheduled to be held in Helsinki can pave the way for a new stage in relations between the two countries, which will benefit the entire world, Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala) who leads the US congressional delegation visiting Russia, said at a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday.
“We hope that the coming out of the Putin-Trump meeting in Helsinki will be the beginning maybe of a new day, we will have to wait and see and go from there,” he said. “We recognize that the world is better off I believe if Russia and the US have fewer tensions, get along a little better, may be put aside some differences.”

Shelby stressed that Russia and the US do not necessarily have to be adversaries even if they are competitors. “There are some common interests around the world that we can hopefully work together on,” he added.

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