Myanmar has to guarantee the human rights of Rohingyas for sustainable repatriation – Abdul Majid Khan MP at the UN

“Not a single Rohingyas opted to return since they were not convinced that Myanmar had addressed their core concerns such as security, livelihood, justice and rights issues. For repatriation to happen, Myanmar has to guarantee the human rights of Rohingyas; take confidence building measures to create the conducive environment for their return” said Abdul Majid Khan MP, Member of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the General Debate on human rights issues under the 3rd Committee of 74th UNGA at the UNHQs, on October 18,2019

The MP also mentioned Bangladesh’s generosity to give shelter and humanitarian support to 1.2 million Rohingyas who fled their homes in the face of atrocity crimes committed by the Myanmar Security Forces.

Referring to the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Abdul Majid Khan MP informed the meeting about Bangladesh’s efforts in the human rights domain such as presentation of the Universal Periodic Review 3 times last being in May 2018, presentation of country’s report to the Committee Against Torture in Geneva, submission of the report on the situation of civil and political rights in Bangladesh to the Human Rights Committee at its 119th session in 2017.

He stated that the independent Judiciary and independent National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Bangladesh remain alert to address any human rights issue. “The parliament as and when required reviews and updates national acts and laws in order to bring them in line with the international human rights law and obligations”, the MP added.

Abdul Majid Khan MP reiterated Bangladesh’s commitment for continuous engagement with the international community to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedom worldwide.

Abdul Majid Khan MP is now visiting New York for participating in the ongoing proceedings of the Main Committees of the General Assembly under the 74th UNGA.

It may be noted that Bangladesh is a current member to the Human Rights Council.

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