Bangladesh-Japan Economic Dialogue held in Dhaka

The 4th Bangladesh-Japan Public Private Joint Economic Dialogue (PPED) was held in Dhaka on 4th July with an aim to strengthen economic relation and cooperation between Japan and Bangladesh.

Japanese team was led by Mr. Tatsuya Terazawa, Vice-Minister for International Affairs of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Mr. Teruo Asada, Chairman, Japan-Bangladesh Committee for Commercial and Economic Cooperation, accompanying government officials and 74 private sector participants. Bangladesh team was led by Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Principal Coordinator (SDG Affairs) of Prime Minister’s Office, Mr. Nizamuddin Rajesh representing the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FBCCI) along with government officials and Bangladeshi business delegation.Both sides discussed a number of issues of mutual interest.

The launch of this dialogue was part of the Japan-Bangladesh Comprehensive Partnership, which was signed during the meeting between the two Prime Ministers of Japan and Bangladesh in 2014. Since then, PPED has taken place three times, and this was the 4th meeting.

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