UAE visa changes are progressive.

The change in policy that will now allow guardians of 18-year-old male dependents to renew their UAE visa for an additional two consecutive years is one more laudable step in the series of visa change policies the UAE has undertaken over the past year to make the country the destination of choice for everyone, whether they wish to live, work and invest here or visit it for its unique world-famous attractions.

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship’s new policy announced on Wednesday now allows for renewal of the residency visas of 18-year-old dependents, whether they are secondary school or university graduates, for up to two consecutive years. By offering this benefit that comes into effect from the date of completion of secondary or university education of dependents or those who have turned 18, the advantages are multi-fold. First, this new policy does away with the need for guardians to apply, under humanitarian considerations, for residence visas for their male dependents with a deposit sum of Dh5,000. This extra financial outlay, in addition to the uncertainty of the future prospects of their wards, presented guardians with a significant burden. Now, with the extended two-year period of stay for their wards, parents or guardians are given immense psychological relief as they can utilise the time to explore options for a stable future for their sons.

Second, the visa renewal proviso will encourage male dependents to consider building their future in the UAE by seeking employment here. This will directly help the UAE in its aim of attracting and retaining the best talent as it expands its horizons as a world-class knowledge economy.

Additionally, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship has also waived the visa fee for children under the age of 18 accompanying their parents to the UAE on a visit. Tourists can benefit from the waiver effective July 15 through September 15 each year.

These policies attest to the quality of governance by the UAE’s leadership, its all-encompassing vision and aim to make the country take its deserved place in the fraternity of the happiest countries in the world.

The UAE’s abiding belief that only happy countries make for the strongest economies is being borne out by its consistent pursuit of visionary policies, compassionate values and pragmatic idealism as it further raises its profile as a regional powerhouse and an international role model.

Source- Gulf News

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